The annulus of Zinn, also known as the annular tendon or common tendinous ring, is a ring of fibrous tissue surrounding the optic nerve at its entrance at the apex of the orbit. It is the common origin of the four rectus muscles (extraocular muscles). Inferior division of the oculomotor nerve (CNIII)Click to see full answer. In this regard, which extraocular eye muscle does not originate at the common tendinous ring?Introduction. The superior oblique is one of the two noteworthy oblique extraocular muscles. These muscles are unique in that they do not originate from the common tendinous ring, have an angular attachment to the eyeball, and they attach to the posterior aspect of the eyeball.Also, what extraocular muscles originate at the annulus of Zinn? Extraocular Muscles The levator palpebra also originates from the annulus of Zinn. The superior oblique originates just posterior to the annulus of Zinn and passes through the trochlea before turning posterolaterally to insert on the globe under and posterior to the insertion of the superior rectus. Keeping this in view, where is the Zinn located? The annulus of Zinn is a dense, fibrous ring of connective tissue located at the apex of the orbit that is the origin of four of the six extraocular muscles – the superior rectus, inferior rectus, lateral rectus, and medial rectus.What is the function of superior rectus muscle?The main actions provided by the superior rectus are elevation and adduction of the eyeball, and medial rotation of the eyeball. To obtain the upward movement, the muscle must function in synergy with the inferior oblique. The superior rectus is innervated by the superior division of the oculomotor nerve (CN III).